The Journey of A Thousand Steps…

My journey to a new life began a year ago.  Yes, 1 year.  I can hardly believe that it has been a year since I left my previous life to start a new one here in Colorado.  A lot has happened in that year.  New friends and reacquainting with old ones.  A new studio and new projects.  It hasn’t always gone as planned and not as I had envisioned this journey.  A lot of steps, a lot of stumbles, but that is the nature of life and the journey.

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The art of photography, ‘my art,’ has evolved in a very good way.  Creative energy seems to flow more now than ever with a clarity I haven’t experienced.  Well, in at least not in a very long time.  I am seeing light and communicating ideas in a different way than I did years ago.  But that isn’t a real surprise to me.  I was expecting, hoping, (praying!), that it would happen this way.


Yes, photography is happening.  But there has been more.

Music. I love music, always have.  I am not a musical person.  Never really have been.  I can’t play any instrument.  I have the singing voice that is made for being a photographer: be silent and just watch.

I love creating images inspired by music, always have.  I have been creating art for musicians here.  Album art.  It has been a great experience.  Working with fellow artists and creating something visual to convey their story, personality and art.

But it has not just been photographing musicians.  I helped produce an album for a local artist.  A very new and exciting experience.  I have opened up the studio for musicians and bands to play, rehearse and create.  We have “Music Night at The Blaze” about once a month, an evening that we invite family and friends to come to the studio and listen to and help support local musical artist.

album art

This intimate involvement in music was never really planned.  I didn’t foresee it when I started down the path of this journey of mine.

When I took that first step in my journey a year ago, I really didn’t know where the path would lead.  But I think that was important.  I could plan, set goals and move towards achieving those goals with a head down determination.  The problem with that is that when your head is down and you are dead set on making your plans come to fruition, you have a tendency to miss things.  I have tried really hard to keep my head up and my eyes open to recognize opportunity looming in the peripheral.  Yes, I laid plans and set out on a path, but I have learned that we have to stray from that path to live a creative life.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said it so succinctly when he wrote “Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

While I certainly make no claim to be a trailblazer, I am finding that my happiness lies off the beaten path, eyes wide open to where it may take me.  The only thing I know for sure is that the journey will end when I draw my last breath.  That and that I’m not alone.

I walk this path with my friend, Walter the Wonder Dog.



2 thoughts on “The Journey of A Thousand Steps…

  1. Mike, I loved reading what you wrote —- what a journey you are on . . . and yet I am not at all surprised at how it sounds. It is totally YOU! You sound thoughtful, content, grateful, joyful in each day and sincerely blessed. I am thrilled for you. I know it hasn’t always been an easy road, but you have survived (very well, I might add) and are in a good and beautiful place. Keep going and keep letting us watch you from the sidelines.

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